five things

Processed with VSCOcam with f2 preseta few weeks ago, we were invited to a friendsgiving get-together in atlanta. i didn’t know very many people at the dinner, but it was so nice to see a lot of new faces and eat way too much delicious food and drink– like the sangria above.

IMG_0965if you’ve ever paid attention in worship, you’ve probably noticed that a song by Hillsong is in almost every worship set. ike and i were able to see them live with dear friends of ours in atlanta. this picture was taken during my absolute favorite song, Oceans (Where Feet May Fail). if you haven’t heard it, i 100% recommend you download it immediately and put it on repeat.

IMG_0993this was taken at a recent youth retreat at ike’s family farm. the reason it made the cut is because ike noticed after we took the photo that we were wearing the exact same jackets that we wore to stone mountain back in january of 2012, where we took the exact same picture! time has flown.

1417498_10153529029920366_411769263_oemily and i rarely get to hang out these days, so i love the times that we do get to spend together. she came up to thanksgiving at Teresa’s this year and i’m so glad. i am so incredibly proud of how she’s grown throughout the past few years, and how she’s found her passion for occupational therapy. she leaves for africa next month for 3 months, and although i know i’ll miss her and probably worry about her everyday, i couldn’t be more proud of the decision she made to go overseas and help those that are less fortunate.

Processed with VSCOcam with m3 preseti have recently started obsessing over the idea of decorating for Christmas, but unfortunately this is about as far as i’ve gotten. we’re hoping to get a tree this weekend and decorate it!